KODA for many of its partners whom it holds close to its chest, and our own personal development, will often play “bank” for both new and current investment opportunities. Always looking for synergies with our already existing assets and new routes and friendships to blossom where KODA’s sphere of influence may find roots or continue to flourish. KODA will listen to all opportunities for investment from those parties which we deem to have mutual core values already in existence.

KODA has unique investment opportunities that maintain both our assets and wealth in order to verify the validity of investment return and security thereafter.

KODA will often task within its brethren bold strategic objectives to capitalise on new markets. These ventures are usually funded directly by KODA or indirectly through our strategy.

If at any stage we identify significant investing opportunities or that synergies can be enhanced by partnering with an investor, company or any fitting entity, then the option to be involved will be presented or discussed with a 3rd party.

Additionally, whilst KODA prefers to keep the following information close to their hearts for privacy and non-competitive concerns, several examples of enhancing business and value include:

  • An opportunistic digital marketing company which has identified a unique market opportunity in countries which are yet to be exposed to the simple but extremely effective and dynamic advertisement of the modern era.
  • A bespoke "school protective system" that draws inspiration from the Israeli model, designed to serve and protect the children of the United States. However only the highest standard of combat veteran Special Operations and Intelligence instructors are utilised, the very top 1% of Special Operations forces. Ensuring that standard is never sacrificed when it comes to the diligent protection of our children.
  • A mission-based technology company uniquely developed to transform the world’s standard of technological real time application and adjustment of public media for the individual or company’s needs, without technological overhaul.