KODA maintains a silent partner position in many profound equities and satellite companies as well as mutually shared individual and partnered companies. At our discretion, will discuss the sale of equities with any strong established and loyal relationship within our trusted circles.

Furthermore, KODA is an interested party in acquiring equity or finding equity partners in new companies where brilliant opportunity permits those companies to strive and where synergies may be exploited.

Our diverse and successful portfolio includes projects such as:

  • A biotech firm whose state of art medical developments will revolutionarily impact the way life threatening diseases are treated and cured.
  • A new "fair price for the individual" but extremely high-quality pharmaceutical company out of Latin America. Wherever possible, KODA likes to connect intercontinental groups with one another to open investment opportunities beyond culture and language.
  • A visionary health supplement company that focused not just on performance but the underlying issues of performance and fatigue for the overachiever.